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Tips on dealing with holiday ‘donor fatigue’


VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – So many charities are looking for help this Christmas but it is difficult to give to them all.

News1130 spoke with people in Vancouver on how to handle “donor fatigue”

You are being approached in line at the grocery store, on the street corner, through Facebook and even through phone calls at home..

Some people say, it’s just too much to deal with. “I just tell them it comes off of my paycheck and that’s how I like to donate and then I say sorry I have nothing more to give.”

For others, they have to keep their giving in perspective. “The truth is that I have to prioritize my family this year, but normally I give where I can.”

But many we spoke with know that this is the time of year some people need it most. “The reality is that there are so many people out there that are not as fortunate as the rest of us.”

Well there are other ways to give without going broke and there are tips to let others know your donation situation says Owen Charters with CanadaHelps.

“People really don’t like to have to say no. So often there are so many requests, so many people choose to explain their situation by saying ‘I already gave at the office’ or “I already chose to give to my favourite causes this year and I don’t have anything more to give.”

Maggie Leithead is with

“For starters, don’t feel bad. A lot of people I think are smart in planning their giving in advance. So they pick two or three or four organizations that are meaningful to them and that’s how they divide up their giving.”

She says any money left over can be divided into smaller amounts and handed out a little at a time.

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