RCMP officer in Chilliwack fined for deadly crash last year


CHILLIWACK (NEWS1130) – A Chilliwack RCMP officer has avoided jail after a fatal crash while on duty last year.

Jordan Braid was en route to a call when he crashed head-on, killing 20-year-old Steven Genberg. The officer pled guilty to failing to exercise due care and attention and has been fined $1,500.

Chilliwack Times reporter Tyler Olson tells us Genberg’s mother wrote a letter that was read in court. “She said that she forgave Jordan Braid for his inattentiveness that led to the crash.

“She said that she had only wanted… ‘positivity’ is what she said… to come from her son’s death and she said she thought Jordan would feel the same,” adds Olson.

Charges of dangerous driving causing death have been stayed against Braid.

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