BC NDP calls out Liberals over flawed ICM system during Question Period
Posted May 7, 2014 7:17 pm.
This article is more than 5 years old.
VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – The provincial government is on the defensive regarding a computer glitch affecting a couple of ministries.
The NDP went hard on the issue during Question Period.
Critic Michelle Mungall demanded to know why the government didn’t make the technical glitch public when it began a week ago.
Mungall then called out Minister of Citizens’ Services Andrew Wilkinson for comments he made in the House on Monday, boasting the governments technical services. “When the minister of citizens’ services stood in this House on Monday and said, and I quote, ‘an enviable record of deployment of top IT services.”
Mungall went on to call the entire situation shameful. “If he didn’t know ICM had crashed last week, he should have. So, my question is to the minister of citizens’ services. Did he mislead this House on Monday?”
Wilkinson would only say the multi-million dollar system hasn’t been running at full capacity for the past few days. “The key point is the end users, those who need the services that are the subject of the system, are receiving services. Social assistance cheques for the month of May were delivered in late April. The current delays are an issuance of payments for special circumstances in the short-term.”
Some people aren’t getting income assistance, and case workers are having trouble accessing files.