News1130’s survey on the transportation vote


METRO VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – We want to hear your thoughts on the mail-in plebiscite on transportation funding in Metro Vancouver.

The question on the ballot is: Do you support a new 0.5% Metro Vancouver Congestion Improvement Tax, to be dedicated to the Mayors’ Transportation and Transit Plan?

Are you planning to check off “yes” or “no?” Why?

In teaming up with PlaceSpeak, News1130 hopes to learn more about what Metro Vancouverites think about the vote, which way they are leaning based on the cities they live in, and why.

  • Click here for full News1130 coverage on the transportation vote.

News1130 Senior Managing Editor Bruce Claggett says the transit plebiscite is shaping up to be one of the most pivotal decisions in Metro Vancouver’s history.

“There are a significant number of fascinating aspects wrapped up in this vote,” Claggett says. “Will the proponents of a ‘yes’ vote be able to convince people to see beyond the issues the ‘no’ side is raising about TransLink? Do people generally accept the need for expanding transit and, if so, are they willing to pay for it in the way that’s being proposed?”

“How does support or opposition stack up in various parts of Metro Vancouver? It’s a big region and we’ve seen big differences in opinions on region-wide issues,” he adds.

Share your thoughts by registering to participate in PlaceSpeak’s online consultations. Simply click below, verify the city you live in, and join the conversation.

Click here to view PlaceSpeak’s privacy information.


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