Public gets first glimpse at future of False Creek Flats


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – People interested in the future of the False Creek Flats got a first look at the draft plan for the area Wednesday evening.

The plan includes ideas for pedestrian and cycling bridges over rail lines, east-west overpass options, and new streets and pathways connecting the neighbourhood.

It also includes the new St. Paul’s Health Campus at Station Street and Malkin Avenue, rental housing, with a focus on artist residents on the western edge, and green space, mostly scattered around the northern half of the area.


False Creek Flats The Flats False Creek STRUCTURE PLAN


First impressions from people at the open house

“A lot of it is pretty interesting to me. I like the emphasis on the new creative jobs, the tech sector, they’ve even got a bit of affordable housing, and it has a mix of everything that I like.”

“They’re heading in the right direction in that they’re supporting industrial land. I think that’s a really important thing to preserve. Also the contrast between residential and industrial and how that will actually work.”

There was also some concern expressed about the safety of the area if an earthquake hit.

“There are the seismic issues that I’m worried about. The area is basically built on a pile of garbage, and if an earthquake is to happen, it would all sort-of liquefy.”

Staff will gather public feedback, including results of an online survey, and will present a refined plan to Vancouver City Council this spring.


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