DOTA 2 Championships may not return to Vancouver despite sold out crowds

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Tickets are sold out for the final day of The International DOTA 2 Championships at Rogers Arena.

However, despite the success of the video game tournament, it may not return to Vancouver next year.

Jeff Stipec with Canucks Sports and Entertainment says The International may have outgrown the city.

“This is such an international event right now, the competition isn’t between Vancouver and Seattle any longer to host these events,” Stipec says. “It’s worldwide.”

The tournament started on Monday, and every day since then, a crowd of 8,000 or more has shown up at Rogers Arena to watch some of the best esports players in the world.

“You know, if they wanted to come back, we’d love to have them, but I think they’re looking at more of an international stage as they keep growing this sport.”

The prize money for The International is more than US$25 million. The winner will net about US$11.1 million, while the rest will be spread out among the runner-ups.

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this article stated that the winner will receive US$25 million.The article has been edited to reflect the correct amount.

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