Coastal FC suspends soccer coach


SURREY (NEWS 1130) – An all-ages soccer program in Surrey has suspended one of its coaches, following a slew of allegations brought forth in a recent blog post.

Though the exact allegations are still being figured out, a post on the website for Coastal FC says an investigation has been launched.

Chris Murphy is the Executive Director of the program, and says they are not naming the coach right now.

“I can say as a club, from the board of directors to the staff, we’re concerned,” he says. “We want to make sure that we do things the right way. We’re a big club of 4,000 players and 8,000 families.”

He says the allegations appear to stem from before the coach joined the Coastal-FC program in 2010.

“Especially when we’re dealing with youth and vulnerable individuals, our priority is player and child protection and safety,” Murphy says. “So therefore until we know what we’re dealing with, we felt it was best to remove that individual from any environments that could represent risk to our players.”

He says the coach passed all the regular protocols when he was hired, including a criminal record check.

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