Disturbing health inspection follows rat allegedly found in soup

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – In December, a dead rat allegedly found in a bowl of chowder made one Gastown restaurant infamous.

A health inspection ordered after that incident is revealing some stomach-churning details about the conditions inside the kitchen where the soup from the Crab Park Chowdery was prepared.

RELATED: Chowdery owner insists restaurant couldn’t have served soup with rat in it

According to the report, “a thick accumulation of rodent excrement,” and other debris were found on plumbing lines that were above cooking equipment, a cockroach was spotted running over the head of the Chowdery’s owner, and mouse droppings were found inside the walk-in-cooler, and in the food prep and storage areas.

There was no hand-wash sink in the kitchen and one of the food preparation tables was directly underneath a sewer line.

In all, the report says, “general sanitation was poor,” the food was “unfit for human consumption” and the owner was ordered to throw out all the chowder.

RELATED: Chowdery caught in rat controversy shutting down

The report was prepared in late December after an Instagram post showing what appeared to be a dead rat inside a bowl of chowder went viral.

The soup was not prepared at the Chowdery, but in the basement of a different restaurant, Mamie Taylor’s. That restaurant had to close after the inspection, but were allowed to re-open the next day.

Crab Park Chowdery closed its doors in January, however a food truck bearing it’s name is still operating.

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