Beware the dive-bombing crows! Birds getting aggressive during nesting season

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – You suddenly hear a “Caw!” and are forced to duck, as a flash of black feathers blasts by you. Your heart racing, you try to avoid a peck or a straight-up collision.

It’s happened to many of us in the Lower Mainland: Becoming the target of beady-eyed crows.

There’s a good reason we need to be particularly aware of the possibility of it happening over the next few weeks. It’s nesting season and that means the ominous-looking birds will soon be on the lookout for you, once their eggs hatch and they’re focused on taking care of their babies.

Dr. Sara Dubois with the BC SPCA explains if you happen to have your hat knocked off or become disoriented by feathers flying by, the culprit isn’t just being a jerk — it’s a protective mother.

“The babies are on the ground for a week to 10 days before they figure out how to fly — they’re just testing their muscles out first.”

Dubois says the best way to avoid becoming a target is to stay away from areas where crows like to nest.

“We often recommend carrying an umbrella if you frequently cross an area that’s going to have crow activity. Just be aware and look up!”

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