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Singh walks picket line with striking hotel workers in Vancouver

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Holding up a picket sign, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh was front-and-centre at a rally alongside hundreds of striking hotel workers Monday.

Singh walked the line in Downtown Vancouver, chanting and even waving signs in support of the striking hotel employees.

Speaking to the hundreds in attendance, Singh praised the crowd for demanding better working conditions.

“A better working week, better justice and fairness, you want it for everybody, so you’re not just fighting for yourself, you’re fighting for all workers, and I think you for doing that,” he said.

“I want you to know, I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you sisters, with you brothers, because you’re demanding fairness, you’re demanding justice, and you deserve it.”

It’s part of his swing through the Lower Mainland, earlier in the day Singh walked back comments suggesting he would support a coalition government with Justin Trudeau.

“I say to Canadians: if you want someone who’s going to fight for you, who’s going to make sure that the wealthiest pay their fair share with a super-wealth tax, that no-one else is willing to put forward, we have the courage to do that.”

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