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Charge stayed in Port Moody mayor sex assault case

A deal has been reached in Port Moody Mayor Rob Vagramov’s sexual assault case. Travis Prasad has the latest.

PORT COQUITLAM (NEWS 1130) – A deal has been reached in Port Moody Mayor Rob Vagramov’s sexual assault case.

At court in Port Coquitlam on Wednesday, the special prosecutor said Vagramov has completed an alternative measures program and the proceedings against him have been stayed.

That means the charges have been terminated before a finding of guilt, and the prosecution is no longer pursuing it.

The mayor took a voluntary leave of absence in March when he was charged with sexual assault stemming from an alleged incident in Coquitlam in 2015. He briefly returned to work in September, but Port Moody city council voted to ask him to go back on leave in October.

Alternative measures programs give the accused an opportunity to accept responsibility for the crime and make amends to the community without going to court. It can be used in cases with less serious offences and offenders with no criminal history. It’s not clear what Vagramov did to complete the program.

Port Moody’s mayor has consistently denied the allegations.

Details of the agreement reached between Vagramov and the Crown will not be released, and it’s unclear if or when he will return to work.

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