‘Dear Dr. Bonnie Henry’: Vancouver women record musical ode to provincial health officer

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – In the midst of a global health pandemic– some are resorting to the art of song to ease tensions.

East Vancouver’s Amy Shier and her roommate decided to honour provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry with a tune she posted on social media Wednesday afternoon.

She says the lyrics of “Dear Dr. Bonnie Henry” mirrors the first time many began paying attention to the daily briefings held by Henry, and adds many were touched by the emotion and compassion Henry showed.

“Dear Dr. Bonnie Henry, what to say to you? You have nice eyes and we just learned your name when you came into our world you cry and it broke our hearts. We dedicate noon every day to you. Sometimes it’s three and other times early when Trudeau is late then we have to wait and it isn’t great.”

Shier says in recent days and weeks, Henry has become a source of reassurance and information for many British Columbians, and adds the song is a small gesture of gratitude.

“She cares a lot, in the song we talk about how the first time we saw her giving one of these updates she was sort of choked up and brought to tears in a very human way”, Shier says. “She’s smart and she’s knowledgeable and is a good source, especially medically to know what she’s talking about.”

The lyrics also reinforce the need for social distancing in order to flatted the curve of the virus.

“You will lead us through self isolation will work from home for you, order in groceries too,” the pair sing. “We will cancel all our fun vacations, will stay inside for you, maybe a month or two, we’ll blow this to smithereens.”

Shier adds, she respects Dr. Henry’s proactive response in handling the pandemic.

The duo are both huge fans of the musical “Hamilton” — the song is a parody of the track ‘Dear Theodosia’.

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