Prime minister ‘gets it,’ says man hurt in altercation with anti-gay street preacher
Posted August 26, 2020 1:11 pm.
Last Updated August 26, 2020 1:22 pm.
VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — The man whose leg was broken in an altercation with an anti-gay street preacher says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to shake his hand.
Justin Morissette, who’s still in hospital after surgery to repair his leg, says the prime minister called him on Wednesday.
“Just got off the phone with Justin Trudeau. I was really hoping to ask him to cancel rent while I had him on the line, but he was too affable and funny for me to yell at him about policy issues,” Morissette, a host on Sportsnet 650, says in a tweet.
“I may be an NDP voter, but our PM’s a pretty nice dude all told. On this, he gets it.”
Just got off the phone with Justin Trudeau. I was really hoping to ask him to cancel rent while I had him on the line, but he was too affable and funny for me to yell at him about policy issues. I may be an NDP voter, but our PM’s a pretty nice dude all told. On this, he gets it.
— Justin Morissette (@JustinMoris) August 26, 2020
Morissette was hurt when he attempted to stop a man from spreading homophobic messages over a loudspeaker in Vancouver’s West End last weekend.
The Vancouver Police Department made two arrests in the incident involving Morrissette, who said two people set-up at Thurlow and Davie streets near where he lives on Saturday night.
The man took to YouTube to share his side of the story, claiming he was “assaulted” first when Morissette tried to take his microphone away Saturday night.
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Morissette said the person who assaulted him is part of a group that has been blaring bigoted, hateful, and homophobic rhetoric over loudspeakers in the neighbourhood all summer long.
Sgt. Aaron Roed said after police officers have ordered the preachers to pack up and leave the area four times since June.
The man took to YouTube to share his side of the story, claiming he was “assaulted” first when Morissette tried to take his microphone away Saturday night.
Morissette admits he grabbed the microphone and refused to give it back.
He said the man then use a “judo-style” move to take him down, breaking his tibia and fibula and dislocating his knee.
A GoFundMe page was set up by Morissette’s brother Kevin, seeking to raise $50,000 to help with medical expenses.
As of Wednesday morning, the page had raised $48,215.
As over $45,000 in donations pours in for @JustinMoris, the family has announced once all expenses related to his injury are covered, they will donate all the extra money to non-profit LGBTQ2+ organization Qmunity. @CityNewsVAN @NEWS1130 @BT_Vancouver
— Ashley Burr (@AshleyBurr_) August 26, 2020
Kevin Morissette says on the page that his brother has decided to donate any money remaining after his medical bills are paid to Qmunity, a Vancouver-based non-profit organization that “that works to improve queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives.”
“We just wanted to thank everyone for all the love and support. We spoke with Justin this morning and he is so appreciative and feeling much better,” Kevin says.
While the support to date is appreciated, they are encouraging others to consider donating to the Vancouver Black Therapy and Advocacy Fund or The Trans Resiliency Fund.
About shaking hands with the prime minister, Justin Morissette says: “He did say when it is safe to do so that he can’t wait to shake my hand. So, yeah. It’s happening, lol.”