New Richmond roadway to ease traffic congestion along No. 3 Road


RICHMOND (NEWS 1130) – After years of planning, a new one-kilometre chunk of roadway in Richmond is now officially opened, which is meant to help ease the traffic congestion in the city.

River Parkway runs in between River Road and No. 3 Road and is expected to handle about 17,000 vehicles a day.

Mayor Malcolm Brodie says the parkway should help ease traffic through the downtown core.

“Probably most importantly, a lot of that traffic is going to be coming off No. 3 Road, which in Richmond is our main commercial corridor, so I think it’s going to give some traffic congestion relief to the entire city centre and it’s an important commuter route as well,” he says.

Brodie adds River Parkway is also going to be a link to more green space.

“Roll the wheel ahead five years or so, by that time we will have developed a 37-acre park between this rail corridor, River Parkway, and the river,” he says.

“If anything, it’s opening up the area for more recreational use and it’s also going to provide better traffic flow for the dense population which is in the area.”

The broader plan for River Parkway is to eventually expand it northward while that part of the city continues to develop.

The current project came in under its initial budget of $13 million dollars.

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