B.C. Interior under special air advisory alert amid large smoky wildfires

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — A new air quality alert has been issued by Environment Canada for much of the B.C. Interior, however, Metro Vancouver says things look promising for the Lower Mainland and Lower Fraser Valley.

Spokesperson, Niki Reitmayer says with winds blowing smoke, conditions can change rapidly.

However, “based on current smoke forecasts, it’s also not likely that our region will be significantly impacted by smoke today, or tomorrow.”

Related Article: Smoke from B.C. Interior wildfires raises air quality concerns for Metro Vancouver

Metro Vancouver will still continue to monitor the conditions.

“Wind blowing towards the east overnight will hopefully continue to push smoke from the wildfires away from our region and towards the east.”

Reitmayer says if things to change, people should avoid outdoor activities and strenuous exercise.

“I know on beautiful summer days we want to get outside. We want to have fun. But when we do see that smoke start to come into our region, please be careful.”

“If you do have any health concerns whatsoever, you should be avoiding conditions where you are exposed to wildfire smoke, especially as it continues to get later into the summer when we see more smoke potentially in our region is people with those pre-existing health conditions that we are particularly concerned about.

As of Saturday afternoon, Kamloops is under a high-risk air quality health index.

The BCCDC says residents should stock up on medications, especially if you have asthma, use a portable air cleaner with a filter and a three-layer mask outdoors.

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