B.C. doctors suggest all health care workers should be vaccinated

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — The group representing doctors in B.C. is lauding the province for its latest push to get more people vaccinated, suggesting healthcare workers who haven’t gotten the jab should get in line.

Calling the latest drive by the province to get the rest of the province vaccinated as “essential,” a leading physician in B.C. says getting health care workers on board with vaccinations isn’t a major issue.

Dr. Matthew Chow, who currently leads Doctors of B.C., is describing the new vaccination drive as the “right thing to do.”

Responding to Dr. Bonnie Henry’s suggestion that she’s frustrated with health care professionals who haven’t gotten vaccinated, Chow says he can understand the sentiment.

Related Article: COVID-19: B.C. overhauls vaccine program as rates slow

However, he says there may be some cases where a health care worker might be hesitant.

“For example, if they have allergies, but there are ways to mitigate that.”

Chow notes medical professionals who don’t want the shots are likely to find their work-life more inconvenient going forward, as it’s being suggested those who don’t get the jab may eventually have to undergo a daily COVID test before they’re able to work.

“It’ll be quite inconvenient for someone that’s unvaccinated because they’re going to have to undergo regular rapid testing and other forms of testing, they’re going to have to wear a mask at all times to potentially prevent the spread of COVID-19. I would hope that would encourage people to get vaccinated because the vaccine is very safe.”

Chow says the vast majority of medical professionals have opted to be vaccinated and have helped encourage their friends and family.

“So as a medical profession, we’ve certainly expressed very high levels of confidence in the vaccine.

“I would urge every single healthcare worker all across this province if they have not been vaccinated yet, to do so immediately. Because it’s just become so abundantly clear how much protection the vaccine offers to yourself, but also to vulnerable people that we inevitably work with as healthcare workers.”
On Tuesday Dr. Henry said “I have very little patience for people who aren’t immunized in health care” and added rules will be strict in regards to health care workers and COVID-19 immunizations.

“We’ve had a policy for influenza, we will have a very similar policy, that if people choose not to be immunized and you work in health care, then you will not be able to work in certain settings without taking additional measures. There will be consequences for that decision,” she said.

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