Williams Lake mayor apologizes for sharing offensive article on residential schools

The Williams Lake First Nation is calling for Mayor Walt Cobb’s resignation after he shared a Facebook post about residential schools. Kier Junos reports on the mayor’s apology at council.

Emotional support or assistance for those who are affected by the residential school system can be found at Indian Residential School Survivors Society toll-free 1 (800) 721-0066 or 24-hr Crisis Line 1 (866) 925-4419.

The mayor of Williams Lake in B.C.’s interior is apologizing after he was criticized for sharing an article on the so-called “other side” of residential schools on social media.

The article claims “most of the older generation that did suffer are long dead and gone or have forgiven,” and goes on to say “it seems to me that many of the new generations just want to be victims and feel the money would solve their pain.”

Walter Cobb’s post has since been deleted.

A photo of the Williams Lake council and mayor

At a Tuesday night meeting, Mayor Walter Cobb apologized for sharing an offensive article on residential schools and survivors.

Following the social media post, Williams Lake First Nation Chief Willie Sellars wrote an open letter to the mayor and council asking for a formal response from the city.

In it, the chief called the narrative “a slap in the face to our community, to other First Nations communities, or to the vast majority of Canadians who acknowledge the horror of residential schools and who want to assist with reconciliation.”

“We would just like to know whether you, as an elected body, are of the collective mind that there are ‘two sides to every story’ and whether you believe that, depending on who you talk to, ‘residential schools might be bad or they might be good,'” the chief’s letter read.

At a special council meeting on Tuesday, and in front of members of the Williams Lake First Nation, the mayor read a statement of apology.

“I want to state upfront I have never supported the concept of residential schools as I learned of the heartbreak that was inflicted on many First Nations communities. In hindsight, and I never anticipated or intended to offend or make light of the residential schools and to those who I offended I apologize. I am seriously sorry, very, very sorry,” he said at the special meeting of councillors.

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“As the article shared was on my personal page and not on my mayor’s page, it’s my opinion that Williams Lake First Nation’s letter is a personal attack on me myself. And I have no idea what the agenda might be but this kind of dialogue does not strengthen any relationship that we have been trying to build with our surrounding communities,” he added.

He goes on to say he did not write the original post, and those are not his words, he only shared the article.

“The post share was my own and I don’t think it’s fair to involve the rest of council in this discussion,” he said.

He ended by saying he thought there was an understanding that when issues arise that they be dealt with between the two parties, and not involve the media.

Several city councillors condemned the mayor’s action, calling it another misstep in a hurtful pattern of behaviour.

Watch the council meeting:



Charlene Belleau, a member of the Williams Lake First Nation and residential school survivor, spoke with emotion to the council.

Belleau says the truth about residential schools is out there, whether or not you choose to believe it.

“For the past 32 years we’ve fought hard to be heard, put our residential school stories on the public record. Our people were sexually abused…really horrific stories. We no longer will be silenced, today or ever again.”

“What action are you going to take to ensure this never happens again?” Belleau said to mayor and council, calling for them to hold each other accountable.

The council ended the meeting by voting to take steps to be guided by the truth and reconciliation recommendations to help the community.

The site of the former St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School in Williams Lake. (Courtesy: Williams Lake First Nation)

In August, the Williams Lake First Nation began the lengthy and emotional process of a comprehensive ground analysis of the land surrounding the former St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School which operated from 1886 until it burned down in 1957.

The First Nation has been open and sharing updates on the investigation on its website each week.

A photo of the Williams Lake First Nation as they begin the search of unmarked graves

A ceremony to commence the ground investigation of the lands surrounding the site of the former St. Joseph’s Mission (SJM) Residential School was conducted on Monday, August 30th.

The community has also been front and centre in the efforts for reconciliation. Orange Shirt Day, which is held each year to remember the victims of residential schools and honour the survivors, started in 2013 by Phyllis Webstad.

A photo of residential school survivor and Orange Shirt Day founder Phyllis Webstad.

A photo of Phyllis (Jack) Webstad who inspired Orange Shirt Day to remember those sent to residential schools and lost their culture as a result.

Read more:‘You cannot just raise the flags and replace it with nothing’: AFN national chief

She was sent to St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School in the 1970s when she was only six years old and on her first day, her new orange shirt her grandmother had bought her was taken away.

It now stands as a symbol as all that was lost in the assimilation of more than 150,000 children in the residential school system across Canada.

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