Metro Vancouver shelters open as temperatures drop

Posted November 28, 2022 3:05 pm.
Last Updated February 14, 2023 9:23 am.
With temperatures plummeting around the Lower Mainland and snow in the forecast, municipalities across Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley are opening up shelter spaces to help those most in need.
BC Housing offers emergency shelters that are open 24/7 when temperatures drop.
- Salvation Army: 34081 Gladys Ave, 604-852-9305
- Lookout Society: 1640 Riverside Rd, 604-744-1538
- The 5&2 Ministry: Montrose and Laurel, 604-613-4432
- Cyrus Centre: 2616 Ware Street, 604-859-5773 for ages 12yrs -18yrs and 19yrs – 24yrs
People who need help getting to or from these shelters can call 236.668.2590 for more information between 7:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.
In addition to these spaces, the City of Abbotsford notes other shelters are available:
- Penny’s Place, Sarah for Women: 1-236-668-2590 from 8 pm – 8 am
- Gateway Church: 2884 Gladys Ave, 604-859-5927 from 8 pm – 8 am
- NOMAD (DWS shelter): 2444 W Railway Street, 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. 604.991.2450
- Riverside Shelter: 1640 Riverside Road, 24 hours but intake between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. 604.776.2424
- Emergency Shelter at Progressive Housing Society: 2294 Douglas Road 24/7 604-522-9669
- Emergency Response Centre at Progressive Housing Society: Sperling Avenue 24/7 604-522-9669
- Norland Supportive Housing at Progressive Housing Society: 3986 Norland Avenue 24/7 604-522-9669
- Extreme Cold Weather Response at Lookout Housing and Health Society: Westminster Bible Chapel at 7540 – 6th Street 7 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Burnaby Southside Community: Church EWR Shelter at 7135 Walker Avenue 778.384.6486
The extreme weather response has been activated in Chilliwack, which anticipates it will be in operation for at least the next week.
Shelter spaces are available for those in need:
- Ruth and Naomi’s Extreme Weather Response: Shen-Yeiu United Church at 45835 Spadina Avenue 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- House of Hope at Salvation Army (19+): 45746 Yale Road, 24 hours 604.392.8510 (only available to locals)
- PathWays Shelter (19+): 46130 Margaret Avenue, 9:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. 604.795.2322 ext. 401
- Cyrus Centre Chilliwack (Youth): 45845 Wellington Avenue, 24 hours 604.795.5773 or 604.217.1034
Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam
- Coquitlam Shelter: 3030 Gordon Avenue 24 hours Mon-Fri. Call 604.474.0435 for availabilities between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
- Tri-Cities Winter Shelter at Coquitlam Library: Novern Avenue across from Lincoln Station 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. call before: 604.916.4032
- Tri-Cities Winter Shelter at Pheasant Drive at Christmas Way 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. call before 604.916.4032
- Tri-Cities Winter Shelter at Kingsway Avenue at Jane Street: 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. call before 604.916.4032
- Ladner Extreme Weather Shelter: Ladner United Church at 4960 48 Avenue, overnight from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. Nov. 28/29 604.599.8900
- North Delta Extreme Weather Shelter: New Hope Church at 11838 88 Avenue, overnight from 9:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. Nov. 28/29 6236.971.0338
- Gateway of Hope at the Salvation Army in Langley South: 5787 Langley Bypass
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows
- Salvation Army: 22188 Lougheed Highway, 604.463.8296 ext. 0
New Westminster
- New West/Army & Navy Shelter: 502 Columbia Street, accessed from Front Street, 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. seven days a week. Shelter is open until March 31. Call for space availability 604.375.5792
- Russell Housing Centre: 740 Carnarvon Street, 24 hours 604.529.9126 ext. 102
- Steveson House for Men: 32 Elliot Street, 24 hours 604.526.4783
- Elizabeth Gurney House (women and families): address confidential, call for more information: 604.524.0710
- Fraserside Emergency Family Shelter (families with children): address confidential, call for more information: 604.525.3929
North Shore (North Vancouver and West Vancouver)
- North Shore Housing Center: 705 West 2nd Street, 24 hours 604.982.9126/778.953.5684
- North Shore Neighbourhood House: 225 2nd St E 778.953.5684
- North Shore Youth Safe House (14-18): Address confidential, 24 hours 604.924.8005
- North Vancouver City Library offers a warm refuge during open hours
More resources can be found here for those who are experiencing homelessness:
Port Moody
- Tri-Cities EWR at Kyle Centre: 125 Kyle Street, 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. 604.790.8929
- Warming Centre at South Arm Pool: 10100 South Arm Place 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. 604.276.2490 or 236.971.4694
- Richmond House: 12040 Horseshoe Way, 24 hours 604.276.2490
- Bill Reid Place (Hyland House Cloverdale): 17752 Colebrook Road, 24 hours 604.574.4341
- Foxglove Shelter: 9810 Foxglove Drive, 24 hours 604.589.0496
- Gateway Shelter: 10667 135A Street, 24 hours 604.589.7777
- Guildford Shelter: 14716 104 Avenue, 24 hours 778.293.0889
- Hyland House: 6595 King George Boulevard, 24 hours 604.599.8900
- Olive Branch Shelter: 10732 City Parkway, call between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday 604.581.5172
- Parkway Shelter: 10666 City Park Way, 24 hours 604.852.0408
- Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church: 9165 160 Street 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Sign up for transportation at Gateway Shelter (10697 135A Street) before 6:30 p.m. 236.971.3230
- PCRS Youth EWR: 10453 Whalley Boulevard, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. 236.866.1481 (after 7 p.m.) and 604.592.6200 (until 4:30 p.m.)
- Shimai House (Atira) (women only): 13327 100A Avenue 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. 604.581.9100
- Mt. Olive Lutheran Church (South Surrey): 2350 148 Street, 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. 604.599.8900
- Pacific Community Church (Cloverdale): 5337 180 Street, 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. 604.574.4341
- Surrey Urban Mission Temp Shelter: 10776 King George Boulevard 604.581.5172
- Cynthia’s Place – E. Fry Society (women/families): Address confidential, 24 hours 604.582.2456
- Rosewood Program – E. Fry Society : Address confidential, 24 hours 604.520.1166
- Sheena’s Place – E. Fry Society: Address confidential, 24 hours 604.581.1538
- All Nations Youth Safe House – Klahow-eya (Youth 15-18): Address confidential, 24 hours 604.584.2625
In addition to shelter spaces already available, the City of Vancouver says it is opening warming centres:
- Powell Street Getaway (DTES): 450 East Hastings Street, Nov. 28 from 9 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
- Odd Fellows Hall (Fairview): 1433 West 8th Avenue, Nov. 29 from 9:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m.
- Marpole Neighbourhood House: 8585 Hudson Street, Nov. 28 from 10 p.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Extreme Weather Response Shelters:
- Directions Youth Services Centre: 1138 Burrard Street, 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- Cascades Church: 3833 Boundary Road, 9:30 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Bud Osborn EWR: 27 West Hastings Street, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- The Salvation Army Belkin House: 555 Home Street, 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- Langara YMCA: 282 West 49 Avenue, 9:30 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Find more shelter spaces here.
White Rock
- Daytime Warming Centre: 14600 North Bluff Road, Nov. 28 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.