Union issues strike notice in port labour dispute, employers say

Posted October 31, 2024 11:50 am.
Last Updated October 31, 2024 4:42 pm.
Employers at British Columbia’s ports say they have received 72-hour strike notice from the union representing about 700 foremen in an ongoing labour dispute.
The two sides had been negotiating with the help of a federal mediator for the last three days in a bid to avoid a work stoppage that would affect all ports in B.C.
Earlier Thursday, the employers said they had presented a “final offer” to the union representing foremen in negotiations aimed at avoiding a labour disruption.
The BC Maritime Employers Association said in a release that it believed the offer could “conclude negotiations in a manner that serves the best interest” of all parties involved.
By Thursday midday, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 514 hadn’t yet responded to the employer’s statement on the latest offer, which was presented on Wednesday.
Both sides confirmed earlier in the day that talks were ongoing with the help of federal mediation services.
That negotiation session began on Oct. 29 and could have been extended by two days, if necessary.
Negotiations began last year after the last contract expired in March 2023.
The union said in September that members voted 96 per cent in favour of authorizing strike action if necessary.
The dispute has been centred around one employer, DP World, and its manpower requirements as it relates to automation.
The union has said it had “no interest in an industry-wide dispute” because it wanted to negotiate with DP World directly, but the Canada Industrial Relations Board said the union can’t bargain with one employer alone.
The union said that ruling prompted members to take an industry-wide vote on a strike mandate.
The Canada Industrial Relations Board also ruled earlier this month on complaints from both sides alleging negotiating in bad faith, dismissing the union’s claim, while partly agreeing with the employers’ complaint.
Vancouver’s port — the largest in Canada — has seen a number of recent disruptions, including in September when workers set up pickets at six Metro Vancouver grain terminals.
A month before that, port operations were disrupted by work stoppages at both major Canadian railways.
A 13-day port workers strike last year froze billions in trade at the docks.