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Line-ups at advanced voting stations on Saturday

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Lots of interest in advanced voting on Saturday, at least at one polling station.

People were lined up at the Roundhouse Community Centre in Vancouver Saturday afternoon.

Saturday was the last chance to cast a vote in advanced polls.

People gave various reasons for why they opted to vote early.

“Unless you exercise your franchise and actually get out there and vote, you have no say,” said one woman.

“I may be working on that day, so I thought it was important to exercise my choice,” said a man in line.

“We live in an amazing country where we can vote. As a woman I have the ability to vote because other women fought for it, so I’m absolutely taking advantage of that,” said another woman.

Others mentioned that in light of recent political changes in the US, it was important to get out and vote.

And what issues were top of mind among these voters?

“I’m ready for a change in government. My big issue is health care,” said one woman.

“I think health care is a big issue and housing is too,” said a man ready to mark his ballot.

Typically the first day and the last day of advance voting are the busiest.

Last weekend, 231,034 ballots were cast across B.C.

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