Customers question quality, quantity at B.C. legal pot shops


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Dozens of complaints have been logged with the federal government as people weigh their legal weed purchases, discovering discrepancies, according to a report in The Province newspaper.

A Gibsons man says he was ripped off to the tune of 18 per cent when his one-gram purchase measured at 0.83 grams on his home kitchen scale.

On social media and online weed directories, it doesn’t take long to find reviews that line up with that experience.

Customers complain in reviews for a licensed East Vancouver store, where they say the product is full of nasty stems and leaves — not an ideal quality.

While the staff are apparently friendly and the atmosphere inviting, the cannabis is weighing in lighter than expected

“Flower’s aren’t trimmed properly — lots of stem and leaves. The package contained 3.4 grams out of the 3.5… so I’m basically paying full price to be ripped off,” says one reviewer about their experience at a licensed store.

‘Legalization sucks’

Cannabis users have been complaining about the quality of flower since legalization was brought in, with many saying the product is incredibly dry and unpleasant to smoke.

One customer says they want to be able to see the actual product they are purchasing before they buy it. Current rules mean stores can keep samples on retail floors, but packaged product is only brought to the customer after they purchase it.

“I want to see the bud before I buy,” writes one person. “I was afraid it would be sh***y stuff inside the sealed package and my concerns were totally valid. Legalization SUCKS.”

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