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YVR, WestJet, UBC partner on COVID-19 rapid testing pilot

RICHMOND (NEWS 1130) — The Vancouver International Airport and WestJet will co-pilot a new COVID-19 rapid testing study with UBC.

As part of the pilot project, departing WestJet passengers will be asked whether they would be willing or interested in taking a COVID-19 rapid test before boarding a plane.

The pilot project was announced Thursday, but when it will take flight hasn’t been determined.

The goal of the project is to gather data and develop a study regarding health safety at airports. Methodology and testing technologies will be outlined in the coming weeks.

“We hope that working with leading experts like those at UBC will help us to collect, test, and act to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in conjunction with our myriad of other layered safety measures,” says Billy Nolen, WestJet vice-president of safety and security.


“We are very pleased to have selected a world-leading research institute, located in our own backyard, to partner with us on this critically important work,” adds Tamara Vrooman, president and CEO of Vancouver Airport Authority.

“Working together with UBC and WestJet, we aim to make this pilot project the best of both worlds, bringing together industry experts and world-leading researchers — all in an effort to support aviation safety and provide benefits to our region.”

On Thursday, Transport Canada updated requirements for face coverings in airports. Acceptable masks must cover the nose and mouth (fitted disposable or cloth masks). Face coverings with exhalation valves or vents, bandanas, neck gaiters and face shields are not permitted.

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