Marnie Frey’s family to decide what to do with her remains


CAMPBELL RIVER (NEWS1130) – The Campbell River family has been given closure by the courts, now it will decide what to do with her remains.  Loved ones of Marnie Frey, killed by Robert Pickton, will soon have her back home.

According to stepmother Lynn Frey, it will be up to Marnie’s daughter, Brittney, who will decide what she wants to do with her mother’s remains.  “Whatever she chooses to do with Marnie, I’ll support her 100 per cent.  We’ll have a little memorial or something for Marnie when she comes back to Campbell River.”

Brittney just turned 18 Saturday.

In Lynn’s words, while there’s not much left of Marnie — having her remains home will close this tragic chapter of their lives, after Canada’s High Court agreed Friday not to grant Pickton a new trial.

While they received justice, the Frey’s are among the many people calling for a public inquiry into what happened on the Downtown Eastside, so the families of 20 more missing women may also find closure.

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