Oppal grants identity protection to sex workers at Inquiry


UPDATE: The commissioner of the Missing Women Inquiry has granted identity protection to sex workers who testify. They’ll now be allowed to give evidence without appearing in person and their names will be covered by publication bans.

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – The man leading the inquiry into the Robert Pickton killings will decide today whether sex workers should have their identities protected by a publication ban when they take the stand.

Wally Oppal is skeptical about the application and feels it may be difficult to grant a blanket request without knowing who might testify.

The push is coming from a lawyer representing people living on the Downtown Eastside who says sex workers are vulnerable, afraid of the legal system, and reluctant to testify.

The VPD, its union, and the Mounties don’t like the plan, especially if it would allow sex workers to avoid cross-examination.

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