Clicking and sharing online could soon get you in trouble

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – You and your favourite websites could be targeted by a new international trade agreement Canada may sign, which could make criminals out of regular people.

Part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement includes an Intellectual Property Rights chapter.

“Internet service providers could be forced to collect and hand over your personal information to media companies without privacy safeguards. These big media companies then will have the power to possibly fine you for your Internet use,” explains Lindsay Pinto with OpenMedia.


Pinto is concerned by the potential implications. “A lot of your favourite website could be targeted, websites that allow for the sharing of content that Big Media decides that they own.”

“We’re talking about terminating entire websites, potentially, and even terminating access to the Internet for people who have been accused of copyright violations,” she adds.

Pinto tells us the partnership it broadens the scope of what copyright infringement is, changing the way we use the Internet.

The next round of discussions on this agreement starts Monday.