BC minister out with strong words about reducing poverty
Posted November 25, 2014 3:00 pm.
This article is more than 5 years old.
VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – Some strong words from BC’s children and families minister today as she admits the province has no intention of developing a poverty reduction plan.
Stephanie Cadieux’s comments come as thousands of letters were delivered to the legislature calling for an implementation plan.
“We have a plan, it’s just not called a poverty reduction plan. We have a plan called a jobs plan,” says Cadieux. “Which is growing the economy, creating jobs and linking people to those jobs through skills training and work placement programs.”
She says the best way for government to help these families is to build an economy that provides jobs.
Advocates say BC is the only province without a real implementation plan but Cadieux says we shouldn’t just be looking at creating another piece of paper.
“A plan in and of itself doesn’t mean anything to people on the ground. Programs and supports that actually have impact to children and families is what really matters.”
A new report yesterday found our province’s poverty rate is above the Canadian average.