Homeless trying to stay warm during the cold snap
Posted January 13, 2017 8:23 am.
This article is more than 5 years old.
VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – You’ve likely complained about the long winter we’ve been experiencing, but for most of us, our struggles pale in comparison to those trying to stay warm on the streets.
The frosty nights have proven to be extremely challenging for many trying to find a place to sleep or find shelter in this freezing cold.
“It’s challenging to just find a place,” says Jeet who lives in low-income housing and says it’s not easy keeping warm. For many of his friends, they’re taking advantage of shelters like First United Ministry near Main and Hastings Streets to provide them with a place with heat and that offers a hot meal.
Outside, he adds it’s all about bundling up as much as possible. “I layer up. I’ve got a hoodie on underneath, two t-shirts, a big thick shirt, a big jacket and boots.”
Mary is trying to find a silver lining during this frosty blast. But while she has been fortunate enough to have a warm bed, she says her friends haven’t been as lucky. “I like a cold, sunny day that way you don’t get wet.”
Another man NEWS 1130 spoke with says he spends his nights in a Tim Hortons where he says staff are tolerant and understanding during this weather.