Surrey RCMP officer charged in 2015 shooting death


SURREY (NEWS 1130) – A Surrey RCMP officer has been charged with aggravated assault and assault with a weapon in the shooting death of a young man outside an RCMP office in South Surrey.

The family of 20-year-old Hudson Brooks has been pleading for answers since his death in July 2015.

Constable Elizabeth Cucheran will make her first appearance in court next month.

Brooks’ mother Jennifer was told on Monday that a decision on charges had been made, but she had to wait another day to find out what they were.

“You just don’t know, I just feel like a huge weight has been lifted. And I’m just so grateful to all of our family, our friends,” she says.

“I’ve always said from day one there are excellent officers. Unfortunately, the night that my son came upon this officer, he did not have one hand laid upon him, he was shot down. And in our society this cannot happen , and I pray it never happens again.

“And I absolutely think there should be re-training ,especially de-escalation training.”


Jennifer Brooks argues officers did not have to shoot her son, but police say Hudson was suicidal and screaming outside the detachment on 152nd Street.

Cucheran is not currently in custody.

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