Young Okotoks girl fighting for her life in Edmonton hospital

CALGARY- One-year-old Lukah Mitchell continues to fight for her life in an Edmonton hospital.

WATCH: Toddler fights for life in Edmonton hospital

Lukah’s mom Tanis Mitchell said that she was born with a tumour, but they didn’t know.

Tanis said that Lukah was a happy and healthy little girl, and everything was fine until about a month ago when they noticed that she had blood in her diaper.

They took the tot to the emergency room, where after an abdominal ultrasound they found a tumour that was the size of a baseball.

The family was informed that the only way to remove it was surgery and while there were risks, the nine-hour surgery was pretty straightforward.

“When the surgeon came out he said that everything went smoothly, one of her really main arteries was feeding just the tumour, so they had to take out her one artery completely, but they said that the other one would take over and it would be good. But through some kind of complication in the surgery that other artery her celiac artery was cut off as well,” Tanis said.

Due to this, all the blood flow to Lukah’s abdominal cavity has been cut off.

Lukah is on life support and is waiting for the transplant, which can only be found from another child around her age who has died.

Tanis said that the outpouring of love and support they have received has been amazing.

She and her husband are in Edmonton with Lukah while their eldest daughter B is still in Okotoks with aunts and uncles.

One of Tanis’s concerns was that B would be worried and stressed about her sister when she went to visit her last week, but the mother of two explains that seeing the two interact was heartwarming.

“She blows all our expectations, she was so happy to see her and just treated her like normal and kissed her and sang her songs and read her books, it was so beautiful to watch. She was like yeah this is my sister, and she is sick right now, but that is ok.”

Tanis said that seeing that was amazing because it is hard being away from B, but to see her love her sister and know that she is being taken care of means the world to her and her husband.

She said that she could not thank their army of supporters enough as the family continues to receive an outpouring of love not only from those who are helping with B in Okotoks but also from complete strangers who have donated to a GoFundMe Campaign set up by a family friend.

On the campaign site this message was left by Tanis and her husband, Kody:

“We’ve been astounded by the amount given so far. Know that every dollar contributed up until-and beyond-the limit set, will be used purposefully. We’ve discussed a multitude of possibilities depending on the outcome of Lukah’s story, but we will honor your generosity and her life with every dollar. Thank you for trusting us with your resources, our hearts are so full.”

Every day the family says they continue to lean on their faith for strength as they pray for a miracle that will help Lukah find a donor for this life-saving transplant.

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