Mission man’s realtor offers up kidney for transplant


MISSION (NEWS 1130) — After years of waiting, a Mission man says he’s getting a kidney donation from pretty much a complete stranger: his realtor.

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Geoff Dunsire is just 31 years old, but he’s already spent much of his life in hospital rooms. He ended up in BC Children’s Hospital with liver failure at 13 and needing a liver transplant. At times it became so bad he had to spend months in hospital, even going into a coma and on life support for a time.

He recovered, but in 2013 he found out he needed a transplant for his kidneys, too.

“My journey’s been pretty crappy. I’ve been on dialysis for five-and-a-half years,” he says. “Dialysis suck.”

But then someone, a virtual stranger, answered his prayers. Now Geoff says he’s finally hoping his life will get back to normal thanks to Debi Pearce, his realtor.

“There’s no way to thank her, honestly,” he says. “It’s called the gift of life. I don’t know how else to explain it.”

His mom Tracey says her son’s health problems have been exhausting.

“He can’t work, you just can’t live a normal life,” she says.

Pearce — someone the pair just met in the summer — decided she had to do something to help Geoff.

“She got her levels where they needed to be, and her blood sugar, and all these things, and we got a call from her saying she’d been approved,” she says.

Geoff will be travelling to Vancouver General Hospital in the coming weeks to meet with doctors and plan for a transplant.

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