Local MP calls for school named after UK politician who spoke against abolishment of slavery to be changed

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — As statues of controversial figures are being pulled down in the U.S., one Vancouver area MP has raised questions about the name of a high school in his riding.

Gladstone Secondary School is situated in the Vancouver-Kingsway riding of Don Davies.

William Ewart Gladstone was a UK Prime Minister in the 1800s who spoke out against abolishing slavery, and this week Davis saw news reports of the UK’s Liverpool University taking the name of Gladstone off one of its buildings.

Davies says seeing the changes made overseas, made him think about the changes that should be made at home.

“I thought that given the most important issues being raised today about racism and discrimination that it would be wise to take a look at, at, perhaps renaming somebody institutions that carry the names of people who, you know, perhaps are associated with policies and values that we don’t want to be associated with any more,” he tells NEWS 1130.

Gladstone secondary first opened its doors back in 1950 and Davis says the name does not reflect the community anymore.

“The cultural and ethnic makeup in Vancouver is different in 2020 than it was, say [1950]. And at Gladstone [secondary] I would be quite confident in saying that most of us are not Caucasian,” Davis says.

“I think having the figure attached to that school that is reflective of the diversity and really inspirational values would be something that would be far more representative of Gladstone and, and Vancouver in the 21st century.”

While there would need to be a formal process for any name change, Davies is hopeful the Vancouver School Board can take it into consideration.

“I understand they do have a committee that is looking at this issue and so I think they are aware of the issue and I think they’re open to making changes and if so I’m happy to work with them and I would encourage them to do so.”

There would need to be a formal request and process towards any school angling for a name change.

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