Locations of some Canada Day COVID-19 cases in Kelowna released


KELOWNA (NEWS 1130) — Interior Health has released more details about when and where people may have been exposed to COVID-19 in Kelowna around Canada Day.

Friday, the health authority issued a sweeping warning encompassing the “downtown and waterfront areas” between June 26 and July 6.

Contact tracing has helped health officials pinpoint two locations visited by people who tested positive.

Anyone who attended “private gatherings” at the Discovery Bay Resort between July and 1 July 5 is being asked to self-isolate for 14 days and monitor for symptoms.

The same is being asked of anyone who attended a gathering at the Boyce Gyro Beach Lodge on July 1.

The health authority said more details will be released as contact tracing progresses.

“We are committed to notifying the public of specific locations and venues of concerns as our investigation continues,” says a statement.

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