Metro Vancouver man petitions to keep masks on while taking public transit

A local transit advocate hoping the mask mandate on public transportation remains when B.C.'s COVID-19 measures change. This comes as the province will detail easing restrictions Thursday.

As B.C’s COVID-19 safety measures slowly change, a Metro Vancouver man is petitioning for the mask mandate to remain in place on public transit.

Provinces like Ontario, Alberta and some of the west-coast states are still requiring masks on transit, health care settings and care homes even when the mandate is lifted.

Daryl Dela Cruz, the man who constructed the petition on Monday says the initial response has been remarkable.

“It’s been sky-rocketing. I started this two days ago, I literally just had a feeling ‘I have to say something about this, if I don’t say something we’re going to lose the opportunity.’ And it’s a good time because of what we learned about our neighbours having the same requirement.”

The petition has collected hundreds of signatures as of Wednesday afternoon, and according to Dela Cruz, some people have even reached out to vocalize their support.

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Cruz says the reason behind his call is that people are still at risk and public transit has a high transmission rate.

“We still don’t have full vaccination coverage and we have to stand up for people that are still clinically, extremely venerable, elderly who are at risk of COVID-19. I think it’s just important we stand up for everyone here,” he said.

Dela Cruz added, he hopes the province gives the masking consideration the same attention it’s been given elsewhere. Noting officials should also consider the time of year.

“It’s allergy season, that’s one of the big reasons I want to get this out there. There have been reports sneezing and sniffling is back,” Dela Cruz said.

B.C. public health announced many of the province’s pandemic restrictions are set to end Tuesday, March 16.

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