Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke speaks on transit violence

After another stabbing on transit in Surrey, the city’s mayor says she is reaching out to government authorities to ask for more policing resources.

In a statement Saturday, Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke condemned the “continuing violent acts” taking place on regional transit.

“I will be reaching out to the Premier, Solicitor General, and Minister of Mental Health to ask for additional resources in policing and to make better use of technology to deter these crimes and identify the perpetrators,” the statement reads.

This comes after multiple stabbings have happened on Metro Vancouver transit recently, with the latest occurring early Saturday morning, sending a man in his 20s to the hospital.

It also comes after a stabbing on a Surrey bus resulted in the death of teenager Ethan Bespflug.

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“No one should have to fear for their physical safety or life when riding our transit system. In the last two weeks we have seen three shocking incidents that have caused serious bodily harm and in one case ended the life of a 17-year-old,” said Locke in the statement.

“There is no place for the continuing violent acts that are taking place on our regional transit system. What makes this situation all the more alarming is that it puts so many innocent people at risk, as the attacks are often perpetrated in a confined space of a SkyTrain car or a bus. As it has been said, everyone has the right to feel safe on our regional transit system.”

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Locke adds she has been in contact with the city’s RCMP detachment, along with the Metro Vancouver Transit Police, she says both agencies are working to increase patrols.

“In addition to an increased police and security presence on transit, we are looking at a range of sustainable, long-term solutions to ensure everyone on Transit feels safe, and is safe. This includes the high-visibility police patrols occurring now; however, that is only part of the solution. We need to look at all potential tools at our disposal, including better use of technology, safety education, and outreach, all forming part of a comprehensive approach,” Locke added in her statement.

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