More than 1,500 blood donations needed in B.C. before Jan. 7
Posted December 30, 2023 1:31 pm.
Last Updated August 24, 2024 10:13 am.
Canadian Blood Services are calling on people to come into one of their clinics and roll up their sleeves to donate blood.
Gayle Voyer with Canadian Blood Services says during the holidays, donors typically get out of their routine to give blood due to busy schedules and holiday celebrations.
“We need 1,500 appointments filled in B.C. so we’re reaching out to donors to please help us fill those appointments to meet the needs of patients in hospitals over the next couple of weeks,” Voyer said.
“Right now, we’re calling for O positive and O negative, which is our universal donor. They can help any patient in need if there is no time to test their blood, but if you’re not those blood types, we would encourage you to donate because the need is constant.”
She says blood is used to help treat a number of medical conditions including autoimmune disease, cancer, and trauma of all kinds. Sometimes that can mean the difference between life and death, she adds.
“You can never replicate the look on someone’s face when they are receiving those products or receiving treatment in order to survive,” Voyer said.
Kyle Wilson’s daughter, Sophie, relies on blood donations. She received her first blood transfusion when she was just 10 years old, Wilson says.
“It makes a real difference to the people who need it and not just the individuals but their families,” Wilson said.
“Sophie has a rare bone marrow disorder and she needs blood transfusions – two bags every months or so. Without it, it’s a real game charger. It’s a negative affect on the family and when we get it, it’s a real positive for the family.”
Sophie says she enjoys dancing, singing and playing video games with her friends, and her blood transfusions make all that possible.
“Thank you to everyone who takes time from their day to do it. It’s a huge difference. They can’t make it synthetically,” Wilson said.
Voyer says people living in the UK, France and Ireland in the eighties are now able to donate blood as well, after recent changes to rules.
“If you haven’t checked your eligibility recently, we encourage you to do so at because we always update our criteria and we always need new donors,” Voyer said.
“All that matters is getting blood into the system, regardless of the blood type, there is always a need,” Wilson adds.