TransLink activates snow plan to prepare for winter weather this week

TransLink has activated its snow plan ahead of a blast of winter weather set to hit B.C.’s south coast this week.

It includes all the normal preparations for sanding, de-icing, and tire socks for buses if needed. It is also testing out new winter tires on a third of Coast Mountain Bus Company’s fleet, which it says has the highest rating available on the market.

Though snow is not expected, spokesperson Tina Lovgreen says TransLink will be ready for any sudden changes in weather.

“Sometimes you’ll see it’s snowing in Surrey and you can’t even see a snowflake out in Vancouver,” she said. “So we have to see, with our team members on the ground, what’s happening where and how we can best adapt our service to respond to the weather conditions.”

Lovgreen says, as we see more extreme weather events more frequently, TransLink is looking at adapting its plans going forward.

“Whether it’s gearing it up for these extreme winter temperatures or gearing it up for extreme heat… we’re continuing to be in close communication with municipalities to advise them in terms of winter weather, which roads need to be prioritised for clearing and so forth, and looking at what’s new on the market,” she told CityNews. “So these new winter-rated tires is an example of that.”

The first real arctic blast of the season is set to bring sub-zero temperatures and bitter windchills, especially in the Fraser Valley.

CityNews meteorologist Michael Kuss predicts the arctic air will push over Metro Vancouver and the Valley through Thursday, bringing overnight lows to -10°C into the weekend, with daytime highs remaining below freezing.

He says there is not much snow in the forecast for the Lower Mainland.

Drivers are still being reminded to give themselves extra time on their commutes, and they should dress for the weather this week. As well, they should check their routes before they go.

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