Metro Vancouver gas prices spike overnight

Posted April 26, 2024 6:56 am.
Last Updated April 27, 2024 1:24 pm.
The price at the pump continues to fluctuate as much as the weather these days.
Overnight, gas prices spiked around Metro Vancouver, with many stations posting up to $2.179 for a litre of regular Friday morning.
In comparison, the same time Thursday, prices were hovering between $2.129 and $2.139.
Listen to CityNews 1130 LIVE now!Prices have continued to increase through the week, when earlier, some stations were selling a litre of regular gas for under $2.
If you have an average gas-powered vehicle with a 60-litre tank, you’re paying more than $10 more to fill up Friday compared to two days ago.
When it comes to just what exactly is behind the increase, analysts say there are a number of factors.
The consensus from different groups seems to point to more expensive summer-blend gasoline now making its way into the system.
Chief petroleum analyst Roger McKnight with En-Pro International says this switch to summer-blend gas and the associated price fluctuations happen every year in a bid to cut down on smog.
“Summer gas has less tendency to evaporate into the air,” McKnight said.
“That costs more money, because it requires a chemical re-tweak in the refining process, and the price of gas jumps accordingly.”
McKnight says that jump will be felt right across the country, adding that any markets that haven’t seen increases yet will soon.
According to, some stations are still selling fuel at $1.99 per litre, but the average is about $2.18 for regular.
There is a sliver of good news here though. McKnight says prices do tend to come down when refineries switch back to winter blends. The bad news, however, is you’re going to have to wait until September for that to happen.
Experts say Metro Vancouver prices are tagging along with upward pressure up and down the west coast, as U.S. prices are also high.
Most seem to think that pressure won’t disappear in the near future.
Metro Vancouver drivers also pay some of the highest fuel taxes in the country.
With files from Cole Schisler.