BC NDP Leader David Eby makes first campaign stop in Surrey Friday

Posted September 20, 2024 7:27 pm.
Last Updated September 20, 2024 8:59 pm.
David Eby stopped in Surrey Friday, marking his first stop on the campaign trail in the leadup to next month’s provincial election.
The NDP leader was quick to criticize BC Conservative Party Leader John Rustad’s track record, specifically on increasing car insurance, BC Hydro rates, bridge tolls, and Medical Services Plan payments.
“What happened last time people voted for John Rustad on the cost of daily life?,” he said.
“Every single time he had the chance to increase costs for people, he said yes.”
Eby says people are hurting financially, with central banks putting interest rates “through the roof,” the global economy slowing, and the prices of goods and services going up.
“People need someone in their corner right now,” he said.
“People need someone who understands the struggles that they’re going through trying to find a decent home for themselves and their families.”
Eby warned constituents that BC Conservatives would cut healthcare spending by $4 billion, even with B.C.’s rapidly growing population.
Earlier in the day, Rustad addressed municipal leaders at the UBCM earlier Friday, saying his party would change B.C.’s healthcare system based on Europe’s two-tiered public-private model.
“Services will be delivered by both government and non-government agencies, and we’ll build out that support that’s needed,” Rustad said.
Rustad says the government needs to get rid of buraucracy in B.C.’s healthcare system so healthcare practitioners can deliver services in a timely manner.
Eby wrapped up his stop Friday by discussing the party’s candidates.
“This is a team with experience, this is a team with heart,” he said. “This is a team that believes in science.”
The provincial election is scheduled for Oct. 19.