8-foot snake found in Vancouver’s South Granville neighbourhood

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — An eight-foot-long snake that went missing in Vancouver’s South Granville neighbourhood while its owner was sleeping has reportedly been found safe.

In a Facebook post, a person saying she is the owner of the Columbian boa constrictor says the serpent “snuck in through a small opening where there used to be a fireplace.”

“Sorry to cause any fear, but so glad Cody is safe and sound,” the post on a community page reads.

There are no reports anyone was injured by the snake, and ‘Cody’ is believed to be in good health.

The Colombian boa was said to have been on the loose after it was believed the reptile had escaped from an apartment near Granville Street and West 14th Avenue, the Vancouver Police Department said Thursday.

“It is believed to be docile but please take care in the area and report any sightings to police,” says a social media post from police.

A spokesperson confirmed the snake’s owner, a 32-year-old woman, woke up Thursday morning to find the tank empty.

“It likely slipped out an open window,” says an email.

Although not venomous and popular as a pet, this type of snake can be dangerous.

“Their jaws are lined with small, hooked teeth for grabbing and holding prey while they wrap their muscular bodies around their victim, squeezing until it suffocates. Boas will eat almost anything they can catch, including birds, monkeys, and wild pigs. Their jaws can stretch wide to swallow large prey whole,” according to National Geographic. 

“They are excellent swimmers, but prefer to stay on dry land, living primarily in hollow logs and abandoned mammal burrows.”

The reptiles are found in Central and South America, can also climb surfaces well, and travel up to speeds of 1.6 km/h. They are solitary, nocturnal, and described as ambush hunters.

“The reason red tail boas are so popular is due in part to their typically docile temperament. They aren’t usually aggressive snakes but even if they aren’t upset they can do damage to a person quite easily,” according to one pet care blog.

“Red-tailed boas need to be seriously considered before being purchased due to their strength, size, the amount they eat, and their ability to constrict.”

The same blog says the most important thing to consider when setting up an enclosure for this type of reptile is security.

“All snakes are escape artists and will push through unlocked lids and squeeze through small openings.”

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