New booster recommendations for Canadians who have already had COVID

Canadians who have had COVID-19 finally have some clear direction on when they should get a booster shot.

Canada’s top doctor says for those who have had the virus, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) is now recommending the MRNA booster be given at least six months after the previous dose or three months after COVID-19 infection — whichever is longer.

Dr. Theresa Tam says the latest data shows two doses of a vaccine offers reasonably good protection against severe illness from Omicron, but the booster offers “superior” protection from serious infection.

“Data show that protection against hospitalizations is over 90 per cent with an MRNA booster dose,” she said.

Even though the number of new infections is trending down, Tam says severe illness trends are “elevated or still rising” in many parts of Canada.

“Up to Feb. 2, an average of over 10,000 people were being treated in hospitals each day.”

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Tam says provinces are going to have to find a balance between containing public health measures and returning to a sense of normalcy as the Omicron wave crests. Several provinces have signalled their intention do away with some, if not all, remaining COVID-19 health restrictions.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney says his government will announce next week a date to end Alberta’s COVID-19 vaccine passport, as well as a phased approach to ending almost all COVID-19 health restrictions by the end of the month, provided the pressure on hospitals continues to decline.

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Meanwhile Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe says he’s committed to ending all COVID-19 restrictions soon, even while COVID-19 related hospitalizations are at their highest level since the pandemic began.

Last week, B.C.’s top doctor, Dr. Bonnie Henry extended the rules around proof of vaccination to the end of June, but said they could be lifted earlier, should the COVID-19 situation in the province change. On Tuesday, she said B.C. can “very soon” look at easing restrictions.

Tam says vaccine mandates should be re-evaluated, but governments still need to find ways to optimize vaccination levels.

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More than 91 per cent of adult Canadians over the age of 18 have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, the latest data from the Public Health Agency of Canada shows.

For his part, Moe said in a video posted to social media that COVID-19 is not going away, but people are done with having to follow public health orders, so “normalizing” the virus and learning to live with it is the achievable option.

The Saskatchewan Medical Association, however, is warning that loosening health measures would strain the province’s health-care system.

Ontario and Quebec, which have seen a slight decline in COVID-19-related hospitalizations this week, have both eased some restrictions, however, scientists and health officials in the two provinces have warned that cases will likely rise again as partial reopenings progress.

Newfoundland and Labrador is set to loosen restrictions on businesses and group sizes on Monday, though Premier Andrew Furey, who is also an orthopedic surgeon, said Thursday that any changes must be done with caution.

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