No tools off the table: Incoming premier Eby promises action on public safety

The new leader of the BC NDP is promising to take action on public safety once he officially becomes premier.

And while David Eby did not offer much in the way of specifics during a news conference on Friday, he pledged his government will make addressing this issue within his 100 days in the province’s top office.

“There are no tools that are off the table to address this issue. British Columbians have seen in their communities, they’ve seen on the news, issues where our criminal justice system is not responding in the way that it needs to to ensure public safety,” Eby said.

“It’s around identifying those folks, figuring out why they’re continually in and out of jail, and intervening to stop that cycle. And I’ve seen it first hand, I know British Columbians have seen it on the news, and we can address this issue.”

Eby’s initial priorities also include housing, health care, and the environment.

Given he will become the province’s leader without having had to campaign or present a platform, Friday was his opportunity to lay his plan out to British Columbians.

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“The issue of housing is front of mind for so many British Columbians and we need to take urgent action on that,” he said.

“The issue of housing, for the people living in the streets, absolutely. But beyond that, for the families who are earning a decent income out there and you’re looking around and you can’t find a place you can afford to buy, you can’t afford to rent, we are on your side, we will deliver that housing for you.”

Eby’s rise in recent weeks has not come without controversy. The BC NDP has been criticized for its tumultuous leadership race, with Anjali Appadurai being disqualified by the executive late Wednesday, leaving Eby as the sole candidate to replace John Horgan as party leader, and eventually premier.

Eby also made a point of referencing the support Horgan has provided him, calling him a mentor and “coach.”

“He has left a legacy that will be remembered for a very, very long time,” Eby said, adding Horgan is “leaving on his own terms.”

Despite the fact Eby will become premier without an election or party leadership race, he insists he has a mandate. He also says he does not plan to ask for an election before the next scheduled provincial vote in 2024.

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