BC Prosecution Service has job openings to address repeat offenders

In an effort to address the issue of repeat violent offenders, the BC Prosecution Service (BCPS) is holding a recruitment drive to fill up to 40 positions.

The openings are part of the B.C. government’s Safer Communities Action Plan (SCAP) announced by Premier David Eby in November. Part of the plan includes cracking down on repeat violent offenders through co-ordinated response teams.

Read More: B.C. Premier David Eby announces new public safety plan

The BCPS says there have been recruitment challenges to fill in the vacancies created by the SCAP. It says there are positions for 21 prosecutors and 21 professional staff that will be part of the response teams.

Lawyers with at least six years of trial experience are the “immediate focus” for Crown Counsel, the BCPS says. Qualified applicants from across the country are invited to apply, with flexible and teleworking arrangements possibly available.

“This is a great opportunity for experienced court-room lawyers and professional staff to join our innovative team and make a positive impact,” said Peter Juk KC, assistant deputy attorney general.

Along with prosecutors, the SCAP’s response teams will also include police and probation officers whose goal is to “prevent violent crime before it happens and when it does happen, to make sure that violent offenders wait for trial in custody and not in our community, putting people at risk.”

This is the second step recently taken by the BCPS to address repeat violent offenders. Shortly after the SCAP was announced in November, the service unveiled a revised bail policy that would see suspects kept in custody if they are deemed a risk to the public.

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