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Movember Canada goes beyond raising funds for men’s mental health year-round

Movember, the annual moustache-growing fundraiser for prostate cancer and men’s health, may be coming to an end Thursday, but their work continues all year round.

Mitch Hermansen, the director of development for Movember Canada, tells CityNews that Nov. 30 tends to be the busiest donation day for them, as many donors tend to leave their giving to the last minute.

“People take that last selfie and post it on social media and ask their friends and family for donations.”

He also emphasized that, although the annual event will end, men’s health “doesn’t just matter in the month of November.”

“April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, the most common cancer for younger men. June has Men’s Health Week, so we’ll be putting on a big campaign then. And then September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, so we will be trying to drive that behaviour, making sure guys know the risks, they’re going to their doctors, and taking action,” he said.

This year also marks the 20th anniversary of Movember and 17 years of having the event in Canada. When asked how he would describe the past 20 years of campaigning Hermansen said “It’s definitely been hairy.”

“20 years is pretty impressive, we’ve come a long way. A campaign that started out with 30 friends has grown into a global movement for men’s health, from over six million people that have gotten on board since the beginning.”

He adds that this year in Canada, over 50,000 Canadians signed up on their website and took part in Movember activities — growing mustaches, running or walking for men’s health, and “most importantly” having conversations around prostate cancer.

Hermansen explains that it has been a tough year with inflation and interest rates but early numbers suggest Movember Canada is on track to at least match last year’s total of over $20 million dollars. Last year, 82 cents from every dollar raised went to fund men’s health initiatives across the country.

“That’s pretty amazing if you ask me … and that’s a lot of money that will be doing a lot of good for men’s health and programs across the country.”

He says that they will be recommitting to their efforts with new strategies in the new year.

“Turn the calendar to Dec. 1, we’re going to be hard at work, working on that and figuring out how we can help men live healthier, happier, longer lives.”

He says that anyone who wants to donate before the month is over can head to their website.

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