BC Hydro rates to increase by 3.75% for next 2 years

The B.C. government announced Monday that electricity rates in the province will increase by 3.75 per cent over the next two years.

Minister of Energy and Climate Solutions Adrian Dix shared the news, explaining that as the average BC Hydro account pays about $100 per month, it means a real increase of $3.75 per month.

Dix says the increase comes as the province sees economic and trade uncertainty, so the province is “taking action to provide stability in BC Hydro’s electricity rates during these unpredictable times, while keeping rate increases below cumulative inflation.”


Dix explained that when adjusted for inflation, electricity costs in B.C. in 2025 remain at the same price they were 40 years ago.

“We must take urgent action to protect British Columbians from the uncertainty posed by rising costs while building a strong, robust and resilient electricity system for the benefit of B.C.’s long-term energy independence,” said Dix.

“That is why we are submitting a rate stability direction to the B.C. Utilities Commission to set BC Hydro’s rate increases for the next two years. This move guarantees certainty and reaffirms our commitment to keeping electricity rates well below the North American average and cumulative inflation while growing our clean-energy advantage,” he added.

The government explained the increases will allow BC Hydro to continue to build critical infrastructure while maintaining rate increases “below cumulative inflation for seven consecutive years.”

The rate increase also reflects rising operating costs due to inflation, the Site C hydroelectric project coming into service, and ongoing maintenance and operation of the grid, the ministry said.

“BC Hydro rate changes are staying below cumulative inflation, keeping electricity costs near the lowest in North America and about half what Albertans pay,” the ministry stated.

The rate increases will come into effect on April 1, 2025, and April 1, 2026.

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