What’s in the forecast for Metro Vancouver’s fall and winter?

Just before midnight Friday, fall will officially begin around Metro Vancouver.

The weather forecast for the next few months doesn’t hold any major surprises — it looks very typical right now, meaning lots of rain, but it won’t necessarily be cold.

“We see periods of rain every couple of days, if not more frequently. That takes us through, at least, the next couple of weeks and as we head deeper into the season, we are going to get into more wet weather, but not necessarily that cold, mind you,” explained CityNews Meteorologist Michael Kuss.

Kuss says we are heading into an El Niño-driven and fall.

“What that means for us locally as we transition into fall, it’s going to be wetter but potentially warmer weather all the way through fall and a warmer winter, which means only slightly lower amounts of precipitation.”

“Our snowpack along the coast could be down 30 to 50 per cent from average,” Kuss added.

If you don’t like driving around in the snow, it’s positive news, as Kuss says we may see fewer major storms this winter.

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“When we get an El Niño pattern… it is a potentially ‘down’ snow year, with warmer weather but not dramatically warmer — it’s still winter. We are going to see temperatures maybe a degree or two warmer than average, but the big story will be potentially fewer snow events.”

Fall officially begins at 11:50 p.m. but despite the incoming rain, Metro Vancouver is still under strict stage 2 water restrictions as the provinces experiences a brutal drought. Those rules are expected to remain in place until at least Oct. 15th.

Listen live to Michael Kuss’ forecasts, including the full five-day forecast, at :21/:51 past every hour on CityNews 1130. You can also follow us on X @CityNewsTraffic and subscribe to breaking news alerts sent directly to your inbox.

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