Vancouver’s Kitsilano Pool reopens to swimmers Wednesday

After months of repairs, the Kitsilano pool re-opened on Wednesday for the end of the summer. As Lauren Stallone reports while many swimmers are excited the pool has re-opened, many still have concerns about the future.

After months of uncertainty and recent outcry from local swimmers, Vancouver’s Kitsilano Pool reopened Wednesday.

Swimmers had already taken to the water by the early morning, getting in their laps in the newly repaired facility.

The City of Vancouver said in a statement Wednesday that repairs were made to the pool’s water supply lines and pipe.

Swimmers had already taken to the water by the early Wednesday morning, getting in their laps in the newly repaired Kitsilano Pool beside Mayor Ken Sim. (CityNews Image / Mike Lloyd)
Swimmers had already taken to the water by early Wednesday morning, getting in their laps in the newly repaired Kitsilano Pool beside Mayor Ken Sim. (CityNews Image / Mike Lloyd)

“Work also included repairs to waterproofing, concrete and the pool membrane. City of Vancouver and Park Board teams then worked collaboratively to clean, fill, heat and treat the pool water to prepare for opening,” the city added.

The reopening comes after many years of periodic closures for the West Side pool. The pool was expected to reopen for the May long weekend this year, however, that plan was nixed when the Park Board revealed in June that Vancouver Coastal Health had found the pool could not “operate safely in its current state.”


“Today marks a significant milestone in our commitment to preserving and enhancing one of Vancouver’s most cherished community amenities,” said Mayor Ken Sim said Wednesday. “Kitsilano Pool is more than just a swimming facility – it’s a symbol of our city’s vibrant culture and commitment to healthy, active lifestyles. We are thrilled to welcome back Vancouverites and visitors alike to this truly iconic location.”

In 2022, the pool sustained “significant damage” during a major storm. At the time, the pool inspection unveiled cracks in the deck floor, as well as other areas where deck panels had lifted. Chambers that are used to help fill the pool with water were also damaged during the storm.

In December last year, a “massive leak” was discovered, with the Park Board saying it was losing about 30,000 litres of water per hour.

“It’s a hard number to wrap your head around. It translates roughly into an eight-lane pool, 25 meters long, a meter and a half deep, flowing out of the pool every day,” Matt Halverson, associate director of facilities planning, said at the time.

Over the past eight years, more than $5 million has been spent on capital works at the pool, which is the longest outdoor swimming pool in North America. It opened in 1931 and was replaced with the current design in 1978.

The pool will be open for the remainder of the summer season, closing for the winter on Sept. 22.

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